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Online Master of Social Work Blog

Online Master of Social Work applicants can find insights, news, essential reading and articles written about expert faculty. They’ll gain a deeper understanding of clinical social work, potential career paths and the myriad ways that the VCU Social Work program’s graduates are making a positive impact on the lives of individuals, families and communities.

Schoolchildren write in notebooks in an Indian village.
How are the values and goals of social work applied on a global scale? Learn more about the importance of international social work and its main tenets.
At a meeting, a human resources manager shakes hands with a colleague across a conference table.
Social work is a rewarding career, but its transferable skills are also useful in other types of jobs. Explore alternative careers for social workers.
A couple seated side by side at a desk visits a social worker.
Social workers play an important role in helping people establish economic well-being. Explore what economic well-being is and how social workers assist.
A corporate social worker sits next to an employee and listens to them speak at a desk near an open laptop.
Companies are increasingly concerned with social responsibility. Discover how corporate social workers help businesses act more ethically and responsibly.
A domestic violence social worker takes notes during a meeting with three family members.
Domestic violence affects millions of people. Explore the role of domestic violence social workers and how they provide support, from counseling to advocacy.
A social worker takes notes on a clipboard while interviewing a smiling family of four.
Understanding a client’s relationships is critical for a social worker. Explore what an ecomap is, how to use ecomaps in social work and ecomap examples.
A social worker goes over a document with a client.
Case management and social work are both essential to providing effective social services. Explore the similarities and differences between these professions.
A smiling veterinarian talks with a person holding a dog on their lap.
Veterinary social work is a growing field. Learn how veterinary social workers help people cope with the loss of a pet and how they support veterinary staff.
A smiling social worker visits an older person in their home.
Social welfare policy ensures that members of a society can meet their most basic needs. Explore social welfare policy examples and social workers’ role in it.
A clinical social worker leads a group therapy session.
Demand for mental health services is growing. Explore the role of a clinical social worker and discover how they can help fill gaps in mental health care.